Janab Zafar Javeed is the Honorary Secretary of SUES and Chairman governing council of AAKCBA.
Janab Zafar Javed Saheb is associated with the society from 1992. Apart from SUES, he is associated with other institutions in the capacity of chairman and vice president.
He is also the secretary of single window II for admission into professional colleges.
He is also member of court, Aligargh muslim university .
Janab Zafer Javeed has received an award for his outstanding contribution towards Education in 2008 instituted by Department of Minorities welfare, Govt. of United Andhra Pradesh.
Message from the Hon. Secretary
I take this opportunity to express my best wishes and good luck to MBA / MAM students of Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration, who are embarking on a journey to become global managers.
This institution has produced the finest examples in merit and “Where ever they go they are leaders”; they carry the trademark of our excellence in almost all corners of the world.
The credit for such excellence goes to the faculty members as well as the individual efforts of the students who are fulfilling their personal goals and the college vision .
I am confident that the Education imparted in our Institution would give the students a holistic view of life and will broaden their mental horizons so as to equip them to meet the needs and challenges of a career in the corporate world.
I wish the students success in all their future endeavours.